Crafting Emotional Intelligence Through Play-Based Learning

Hey there, play enthusiasts! Welcome to our inaugural blog post! We’ve been wanting to start a blog for quite a while now. We believe in supporting our community in lots of different ways: by attending and sponsoring local events, throwing parties that bring our diverse community together, and sharing the latest research on play-based education and the performing arts. This blog is our attempt to give you reasoned context for why we do the things we do, whether it’s research-based, anecdotal, or just plain fun!

So strap in, because we're about to embark on an exciting ride to the magical intersection where emotional intelligence meets the joyous chaos of play. At Playcrafter Kids, we don't just encourage play; we believe it's the secret sauce to unlocking emotional intelligence in our little maestros. So, with no further ado, let's dive into the why and how of it all!

The Emotional Intelligence Playground: Setting the Stage

Cabaret Kids are ready for the stage!

Emotional intelligence, or EQ for short, is like the superhero cape every kiddo should wear. It's the ability to understand and manage emotions, navigate social situations, and build meaningful relationships. Imagine these scenarios: a playground buzzing with laughter, kids playing together at the mud kitchen, the sheer delight of riding a bike back and forth across the sidewalk on a sunny day—this is where emotional intelligence and play-based learning really come together.

Building Blocks of Emotional Intelligence

Let's break down the emotional intelligence arena, shall we? Self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and relationship skills—these are the building blocks; and our play-based approach at Playcrafter Kids hits each one right out of the park.

  • Self-Awareness: You’re likely to see a little one donning a superhero cape in our classroom and pretending to save the world. In that microcosm, she’s exploring different aspects of herself. Dr. Stuart Brown, a play advocate, emphasizes that play is the language of self-discovery, helping kids understand who they are and what makes them unique (1).

  • Self-Regulation: The Kinetic sand squabbles, the Magnatile construction dramas—every play scenario is a mini emotional roller coaster. Kids learn to manage frustration, excitement, and everything in between. In 2014, the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence studied the connection between play and developing effective emotional regulation strategies (2).

  • Empathy: Picture this—a group of kids playing house, each taking on a role. In imaginative play of that type, they're stepping into each other's shoes, learning to understand and feel for their peers. Dr. Simone G. de Bruin's work on pretend play highlights its role in empathy development (3).

  • Relationship Skills: Play is inherently social. Whether it's sharing toys or collaborating on a large painting, kids are honing their teamwork and communication skills. The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the social benefits of play in building healthy relationships among children (4).

The Brainy Side of Play

Now, let's take a sneak peek into the brainy side of play, backed by some science wizardry. Dr. Sergio Pellis, a neuroscience maestro, explains that play contributes to the development of the prefrontal cortex—the brain region responsible for decision-making and emotional regulation (5). So, when your kiddo is engaging in a wild game of tag or constructing an epic LEGO kingdom, they're not just having fun; they're building a smarter brain! (It’s best to resist the temptation to sign them up for too many extracurriculars to make sure they have time and space just to PLAY!)

Playcrafter Kids in Action: Where Fun Meets Emotional Growth

Okay, so let's bring it home to what we do at Playcrafter Kids. We're not just in the business of play; we're in the business of crafting emotionally intelligent, resilient young humans.

  • Immersive Play Environments: Our indoor and outdoor play spaces are designed to be wonderlands where imagination runs wild. From dramatic play corners to artsy nooks, we create environments that spark creativity and self-expression.

  • Purposeful Play: It's not just play for the sake of play; it's all for a reason. Our teachers integrate learning outcomes with the joy of play. Whether it's a storytelling session or a messy art project, there's a method to our play philosophy.

  • Inclusivity at its Core: Remember those building blocks of emotional intelligence? They're even more potent when every child, regardless of background, joins the play. Playcrafter Kids strives (through continuing education) to create venues that are open to all, creating cozy and loving spaces where diversity is celebrated.

YOU are the Chief Play Enthusiast: Encouraging Emotional Growth at Home

As a parent in Northern Colorado with a penchant for your kiddo's emotional and social development, you're the chief play enthusiast. So, how can you foster emotional intelligence at home?

  • Join the Play Party: Get down and dirty in the play zone. Whether it's a tea party or a spaceship adventure, your active participation amplifies the emotional benefits of play. Not all of us parents are natural “players.” If this is the case for you, try taking turns choosing the activity you’ll do with your child. Or put some ideas on paper scraps in a hat and have them pull one out each day!

  • Ask Playful Questions: Instead of the usual, "How was school today?", ask about the magical adventures in their imaginary kingdom or the challenges they faced constructing  a LEGO pirate ship.

  • Celebrate Playful Achievements: When your little Picasso creates a masterpiece or resolves a playtime conflict, celebrate those moments. Acknowledging their emotional growth reinforces positive behavior. Remember, practice makes progress. It takes time to build–or rebuild–the creativity muscle. You'll get the hang of it! And if not, you can always reach out to us for support.

The preschool team getting silly!

Play On, Emotional Stars!

In the grand play of life, emotional intelligence takes center stage. At Playcrafter Kids, we're not just witnessing the magic; we're orchestrating it. So, let the play continue, the laughter ring, and the emotional intelligence flourish. After all, in the world of play, every child is a star and emotional growth is the shining encore.


  1. Brown, S. (2009). Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul.

  2. Brackett, M. A., & Rivers, S. E. (2014). Transforming Students' Lives with Social and Emotional Learning.

  3. Vygotsky, Lev (1967). Play and Its Role in the Mental Development of the Child: An Introduction.

  4. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2006). The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds.

  5. Pellis, S. M., & Pellis, V. C. (2007). Rough-and-Tumble Play and the Development of the Social Brain.

Still with us? Thank you for reading our first blog post! How did we do? We hope to post weekly musings on all things play and performing arts. Comment below if you have comments on this post, questions you’d like us to tackle, or ideas for future posts, and thank you, as always, for supporting Playcrafter Kids!


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